Interesting statement from Turkey’s leading doctor and researcher, Abdurrahman Dilipak!
We will not be vaccinated. We also reject the PCR test lie. Even if you pay for the PCR out of the people’s pocket, we will not. If you want, give 1 gram of gold to those who are vaccinated, give a quarter of gold to those who accept PCR, if you want, send us to Syrian refugee camps. There is no vaccine, there is no PCR. Of course, there is no CoVID!
original text of twitter news:
“Aşı olmayacağız.PCR yalanını da reddediyoruz.PCRnin parasını milletin kesesinden ödeseniz de olmayacağız. İsterseniz aşı olana 1gram altın verin,PCRyi kabul edene çeyrek altın.isterseniz bizi SuriyeGöçmen kamplarına sürgüne gönderin.Orada aşı da yok,PCR de ve tabi CoVID de yok!” May Name İs Abdurrahman Dilipak

Now the facts are coming out. The Muslim world is waking up step by step. Those who prepare these projects switch to a different project at each awakening. As the Muslim world wakes up, a new project emerges. These events actually heralded the 3rd world war!